A Man Called Ove, by Fredrik Backman, 2014, Sceptre

A Man Called Ove
A Man Called Ove

Deep inside of the grumpy old man called Ove is a very sad heart. Bit by bit, over a lifetime of disappointments, he’s grown a thick crust. He’s not up for any more hurts–all he wants is to die in peace.

Yet it seems he cannot even do that. Because the people around him can’t do anything right and he must help them. Sonja would want him to. And that’s the kind of people he and his father before him are.

And his neighbours, including a stray cat, expect his help. Begrudgingly he starts by doing the least he can, accompanied by swearing and complaining. You’ll have to read the book to find out how that works out.

I found this book in the little give-one-take-one library in our complex. It was originally written in Swedish, and was translated to English. But the sentiments of the man called Ove could likely be found in any country. I know I could relate to him myself. Yes, I can easily get quite grumpy. After many disappointments in life, a person can grow a crusty exterior to insulate themselves, and use word-swords to strike out at the stupid people all around. I’m sure many people would sometimes just rather die in peace than deal with any more ****.

But magic happens. It happens in this story and it happens in life. Even opening your heart a tiny crack to help someone just a little, whether they deserve it or not, changes you deep down inside.

This Contemporary Fiction, written from the Point Of View of Ove, mostly, except for some Omniscient comments from the author, is not racy or romantic, but somber and darkly humorous. I’m not sure younger adults could relate much to Ove, but as I come from his generation, I definitely could. The first line, “Ove is fifty-nine,” immediately tips off potential readers as to the age category of the Main Character. In the first paragraph we find out that the type of car he drives is important to him, and that he’s uncomfortable and grumpy in a store that sells iPads because he doesn’t even know how to talk to the sales clerk about what he wants. Haha, I’ve certainly had that experience! A Man Called Ove was a bestseller, so perhaps I’m not the only reader that relates.

Find out more about the author at www.fredrikbackman.com.

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