Beauchamp Hall, by Danielle Steel, 2019, Dell (Penguin Random House)

I bought this novel on the ferry last month as my son and I began our vacation. It’s always nice to have something to read in between visiting and sightseeing and while waiting for transfers. This paperback was small enough to fit in my purse and a light enough story to easily pick up where I left off and read in bits and pieces.The protagonist initially seems to be stuck in a bland life in her late 30s, her dreams of the life she wanted having all but faded away. She is not ambitious to change anything but is becoming increasingly disenchanted with her boyfriend and her dead-end job. However, it’s not until disaster falls that she gets out of her situation.

Having finally had enough, she decides to take a vacation to England to watch the filming of a series called Bauchamp Hall. She has been fascinated by the polite and sensitive characters in the series, and the way that they behave and treat those they love. This in stark contrast to her boyfriend and others in her small redneck American hometown.

Is it only the way the series was written or is there a real place like this? Will she meet the kind of people who live life the way she wishes it could be?

Sometimes I want to give the protagonist a shake, as she seems so passive. It is interesting to me , though, to read about the makings of that kind of a British series, as I myself am a fan of some of them. I’m also tempted to take that kind of a vacation! Thanks for the insights, Danielle Steel!

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