Excerpt from my novel

Rainy day bookstore shopping

Rain drummed on the windowpane. “Some rainy day bookstore shopping might be a good after-school activity today. If you don’t have to work, maybe we could go together.” Alison zipped up her jacket in front of the mirror at the door while her sister pulled on boots.

As the Christmas season began, around the end of November, Alison noticed that she had started to put on a bit of weight, and her belly seemed tight.  Must be all those cheeseburgers.  She frowned at herself in the mirror. Often hungry after school, she had been dropping in to the fast food shop where her sister worked and grabbing a cheeseburger with fries and Coke.

But this afternoon their mother picked them up from school. Her car awaited them at the curb as they headed home–a welcome sight, and so nice of her to do that when she could.

She lowered the passenger window and called out through the downpour, “I thought I’d give you a ride, since I didn’t have work today.”

“Thanks Mom!” they responded in unison, taking down their umbrellas and getting in.

“Mom, can I borrow the car to go to the bookstore?” asked Amy as they neared home.  “I don’t have much homework today and I’d like to stock up on a few books to read on these dark blustery evenings.”

“Sure!  That’s a good idea.  Alison, maybe you’d like to go with her? Some rainy day bookstore shopping would be a perfect way to spend this afternoon.”

“Yes, I want to,” was her quick response. She didn’t bother to mention that it was her idea in the first place.

“See you at suppertime then.” Mom handed Amy the keys as she got out and Amy climbed into the driver’s seat.

Enticing bookstore ambience

A warm blast of coffee and gingerbread aromas and gentle Christmas music hit them when they pulled open the heavy glass doors of the bookstore.  A heady feeling of inspiration enveloped Alison in this gym-sized room full of enticing colourful new books invitingly displayed on tables and shelves, with intellectual-looking people browsing in quiet reverence or sipping foamy drinks together in front of a big stone fireplace.

A book on the feature table by the door immediately captured her attention.  The title, “Grain Belly” popped out at her.

A new realization begins to form

Aha! Maybe this is what I have.

She picked up the book and brought it to a chair at the back of the store to skim through while Amy browsed around.

Yes, this makes sense.  All those burgers with buns.  Toast for breakfast.  Sandwiches for lunch and muffins or cookies for snacks.  No wonder I’m developing a grain belly.

Alison bought the book and began talking about it to her family and friends.  She reduced her intake of wheat products and researched into a healthier diet.  Her mother brought home more fresh fruits from the grocery store where she worked (mostly apples, as this was the only Canadian fresh fruit available in winter).  The family ate salads almost every day with supper.  Alison ate cereals instead of toast for breakfast.  She especially liked those little hot porridge packs that came in different flavours, which you pour in a bowl with a little water and nuke for a minute.  Her favourite was the peaches & cream.  And she brought carrot sticks to school for snacks.  However, she still found herself hungry, so instead of bread she filled up with fries or little yogurts or cheeses, etc.

She also bought several large bulky sweaters to cover up her growing middle.

It wasn’t until after Christmas, during the holidays, that Alison realized this was more than a “grain belly”.  Something was moving inside of her!  Not wanting to believe it or face up to it, she kept it to herself for now.

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Celebrate God’s Gift to All

Baby Jesus, born of a virgin, laid in a manger.  A bright host of angels anouncing his birth to grubby shepherds out in a field as they watched over their flock of sheep.  A bright unusual star moving across the sky leading a group of astrologists to see the baby who was predicted to be a king.

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.”  John 3:16-17

To think of the wonder of God’s love for us!  Shown to us in this amazing earthy way, brought to lowly people.  A teenage girl who in that culture could have been stoned to death for being found pregnant.  A group of shepherds rather than men in esteemed positions.  Foreigners who watched for signs in the stars.  The gift of God’s love is for everyone.  Jesus came to save us all from our lost sinful hopeless condition.

He told Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader, about his purposes and how he had come from heaven to earth to save those who put their faith in him.  His is a spiritual kingdom.  He said that the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven as a second, spiritual birth, to believers.

In order to accomplish salvation for mankind he knew that he would have to lay down his life, and he knew how that would happen.  He said to Nicodemus, “I, the Son of Man, must be lifted up on a pole, so that everyone who believes in me will have eternal life.” John 3:14-15.

By his death he conquered death and sin and darkness, and arose from the grave in victory!  Although we all have to go through physical death, we can have eternal spiritual life through Jesus.

Over the past week I have learned of the deaths of several people who hoped in Jesus and departed this earthly life in anticipation to their eternal home which Jesus promised to prepare for them.  Although they will be missed here on earth, we need not grieve in despair, but rejoice that they have gone to their heavenly homes where there is no more sadness or sickness or sin.

“There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you.  If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.  When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”  John 14:2-3

God with us!  The Holy Spirit born in us!  Not only for now here on earth, but for eternity!  What a gift!  Thank you Jesus, we love you!