
I’ve been reading in the Psalms lately.  This morning a verse that stood out to me was Psalm 86:5,  “O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask your aid.” (New Living Translation)

I am so glad that God is good, and also merciful and full of love!  We benefit from his goodness every moment.  The more we learn about outer space and the other planets out there, the more I realize how very very special a place God made for us here on the earth.  His creation that we live in is amazingly good!  And the more I learn about our human bodies, the more I realize his goodness in the way he made us.  All of life, for that matter.  All life, from animal to plant to invisible organisms is dependent on other life.  I am in total awe at his goodness!

Then there is his readiness to forgive.  We need that SO much!  He is NOT a perfectionist God, as I believed when I was young.  It is futile to even try to be perfect.  As we focus on trying to be perfect in one way, we overlook another way that we are failing.  Jesus summed up God’s laws into loving God with all our hearts, minds and strength, and loving each other as we love ourselves.  If we want mercy for ourselves, we must be merciful to each other as well.

And he is full of unfailing love for all who ask his aid.  He wants us to ask.  He owns everything, after all he created everything, and all we have to do is ask for his help.  This is not to say that he will always rescue us immediately when we ask, but it says that his love is unfailing.  This is where faith and trust come in.  Sometimes we as limited human beings cannot see around the corner, but we need to hang in there with our faith and trust and not give in to despair.  God is a master at making good things out of what Satan intended for evil.

Rejoice in God’s goodness every day, forgive yourself and others because God has already forgiven us, and ask for his aid because he is full of unfailing love!

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