A Tapestry of Secrets, by Sarah Loudin Thomas, 2016, Bethany House (Baker Publishing Group)

An artist who designs quilts for display leaves behind her studio in town, along with her lawyer boyfriend who has become too high-pressured and scary, to return home to the farm and care for her grandmother.

She has always dreamt of living back on the family farm and practising her craft. However, in her dream she imagined being married to a farmer. Now she finds herself the primary caregiver for her aging grandmother who has a series of strokes.

Her aunt comes to help, but there is a bitter secret between the aunt and the grandmother. It turns out that the aunt was born out of wedlock. At this point in her life she finally wants to find out who her real father was, and embarks on a search.

Also the little old heritage church that the family attends is in danger of being demolished. Can it be saved? Who will help, and who is to be trusted?

I chose to read this book because, like the book I’m writing, it deals with family, a child born out of wedlock, and the protagonist going through her own soul-searching to sort out what is really important to her.

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