The Greatest Feast of All

A Church Feast

Recently in Geneva, I came across a picture on an outside wall in the old quarter, showing a church feast for all. A potluck, possibly to celebrate the harvest. People of all kinds participated and ate happily together.

This morning I read in Isaiah 25: 6, about another church feast, which will be the greatest feast ever. The Lord Himself will make this feast. It will be for all peoples. It’s the coronation festival inaugurating the reign of the Lord on earth 🌎.

What will he serve? Rich meat 🍖 full of fat and marrow, it says, and the best of well-aged wines 🍷.

What will he do when he reigns? Verses 7-8 tell us that he will abolish death forever and wipe away tears from off all faces. Wow!

This is God telling the world, long before the time of Jesus, through the prophet Isaiah, of his love for all people. That includes you, whoever you are, and me too. God loves us all, and he, when he reigns, will restore relationships and life, as we feast together at his table.