People in Partnership


Plural of person. One person, many people.


People who are together for some reason. The root word of partnership is partner. A partner is part of a group. Some types of partnership are:

  • business partners
  • families
  • marriage partners
  • work partners

What are some other partnerships?

Do you think of the church as a family? Is it a type of partnership? In what ways?

God’s Grace

God’s grace is His favor and blessing. It means God is good to us.

How is God good to His people?

When we are good to other people, we give them grace. What can you do to give grace to other people?

Christian People in Partnership

Christians are partners because we receive God’s grace together. We are in the family of God.

We also give grace to others. We do good works for other people because God wants us to love them.

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