An Irish Christmas, by Melody Carlson, 2007, Revell (Baker Publishing Group)

An Irish Christmas

This story takes place in the 1960s during the Vietnam war. A widow takes her 21 year old son to Ireland for a Christmas holiday before he joins the air force. She has felt her son distancing himself from her for the last couple of years. Both of them have hidden secrets and both of them want to share with each other but struggle to find a good time and way to do that.

There is a huge reason why she chose Ireland! But that would be a spoiler. They fall in love with Ireland and its people and her son especially loves the music.

Some misunderstandings between them occur and as a young man he goes off and does his own thing several times. She tries not to worry but this is before cell phones, and several days pass before they see each other again.

The trip is a learning experience for both of them, AND much more!

As a mom of adult sons, I could relate to this mother-son relationship with its wonderful moments and the anxieties of a mother’s heart. Her son isn’t the only interest in her life though; she has some fun and meets people there as well! And both of them face up to each other’s secrets and struggle with them, bringing them to the Lord in prayer and coming to terms with them.