A tree is a tree is a tree… by sid fredericksen

The Law of Genesis

The Law of Genesis

Today would have been my dear Sid’s 80th birthday. Maybe we’d have put on a party. He sometimes said he’d like to have a big birthday party, but we never got around to doing that. His life was cut short in 2020 by cancer.

But Sid left a godly legacy in words and songs for all of us. This book was the first present he gave me, the second time we got together. He’d written it several years previously, during a period between a tree-falling career and a semi-retirement job as a commissionaire.

He had loved his years in the logging industry–out there in nature, alone with God. It comes through in his thoughts. I share with you the Introduction to the book today.

A tree is a tree is a tree… and not other than a tree shall it be.

In all the years I’ve worked in the logging industry (as a faller) I have never seen a spruce tree re-create itself into a cedar – or a fir. And if you know, or are familiar with, commercial fishermen, you know that they would know – a cod is not a salmon, nor could a salmon become a whale. Everything is designed by God to create after its kind. It’s called order.

Try to imagine… a fish jumps too high. “Oops! I landed on the beach, I must be a lizard. Maybe I’ll climb up this tree. Hey! I must be a monkey… maybe I’ll climb back down. O.K., I’m a man (not a very smart one… but a man nevertheless).” I don’t think so.

God made everything to create “after its own kind”. That’s the way it was in the beginning and that’s the way it’ll stay. No less than ten times in the first chapter of the Bible, the phrase, “after its own kind” is used. Do you suppose, just maybe, God is trying to tell us something? And then in v26-27 He decides to make man… “in His image“. Wouldn’t you say this is… “after His kind“?

So all of God’s good nature creates “after its kind“.

So-called science gone haywire.

And when roses are hybridized, they’re still roses… but the fragrance is gone. Same thing with carnations. Thanks but no-thanks. You may say, “Well they’re just for looks anyway.” Well then, let’s just get silk… you don’t even have to water those.

After God had created everything (to bring forth of its kind) and had put His man in charge, He said “it is very good.” But science (so-called) doesn’t seem to appreciate what is. No-o-o-o, they would like to change everything they can. Can you believe… men who want to be women. And women getting changed into men. What’s this world coming to?

And I think I know why these ‘so-called’ scientists like to add countless zeros onto the millions (even billions) of years they’ve dreamed it would take to put all this together. Now there’s no way for us ‘so-called’ lay people to dispute their theories. Would someone please write a book called “Zeroes for Dummies”. I’m sure they fancy to impress each other, when in actuality they make themselves to be fools. Romans 1:22. It’s amazing how a little thing like a zero [0] can negate an Almighty Creator. This gives a whole new meaning to 1 Corinthians 14:38… “but if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.” Seems to me as though they’re embalmed with speculation.

But for now, let’s take another look at this nature thing. You take a donkey and breed it with a horse. What do you get? Mule. If it’s male, it’s ‘mule’. If it’ female, it’s ‘jenny’. Either way… it’s kaput. No longer is this animal able to reproduce. When it’s God’s will for a ll His creation to keep ‘its kind’ going.

The natural and the spiritual

In Genesis 8:22 the LORD told Noah… “as long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest.” Seedtime and harvest is a Biblical principle… or law, which will work, in the natural AND in the spiritual.

First, let’s talk about the natural. 1 Corinthians 15… first that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

A law, to begin with, is an established principle; something that works a certain way each and every time. This ‘law’ we’re talking about here is not what we know as ‘civil law’ or ‘custom’ or in the sense of ‘law of the land’ e.g. criminal law… or even the ‘law of Moses’. We’ll call this ‘natural law’… and we’ll transpose this into ‘spiritual law’.

The LORD had told Noah… “as long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest.” Then when we come over to the New Testament, we hear Jesus saying in Mark 4:26… “the kingdom is like if a man cast seed into the ground.” Cast seed. How does one cast seed? What does it even mean… cast seed? We know that if we sow a natural seed, the ground will cause the seed to grow. And that seed will produce what it is. After its kind. This is a ‘natural law’. Let’s call this “the Law of Genesis“. The ‘law of Genesis’ is such that everything creates after its own kind.

But Jesus wasn’t talking about natural seed… in natural ground… with a natural harvest. He was talking about ‘seedtime and harvest’, but He referred to it now, as how it worked in the kingdom. When Jesus talked about trees, houses, lands or mountains, etc., He was usually talking about kingdom stuff.

First, we have natural… now we have spiritual.

Words are like seeds.

Words are like seeds. That can be sown. Sown in the heart of man. Received and conceived in the heart… to be brought forth ‘after their kind’. Law of Genesis.

Thoughts and knowledge work the same way. Thoughts create ‘after their kind’. One may think they’ve come up with a briliant revelation, but the Spirit of Truth will never ‘bear withness’ to perverted knowledge.

Let me give you an example from Genesis 6:4. Someone picked up a thought, went along with, and expanded upon the idea that sons of God (angels) came in unto the daughters of men (women). Angels and women? Spirit and flesh… reproducing? When God had already said “everything will produce… after its kind“. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Spirit can motivate, influence, even possess, but could never create. Without blood? Give me a Pentecostal break. No blood, no sperm, no way. We know, of course, that there is life (zoe) apart from the blood, but Satan doesn’t have that kind of life (or his demons) because he’s a DEAD spirit. Not dead as we think of, as in graveyard dead, but dead in the sense of being cut off from God. Even Adam, and we ‘in him’ (Adam, that is) were cut off until Jesus made a way BACK. There is NO WAY back for Satan… or his own.

It never ceases to amaze me how a story like this can take on a life of its own. Sounds like a bad plot, for an even worse movie.

There is nowhere that I’m aware of, that anything like this actually happened. There were instances in the Bible where demons possessed people, and angels visited (even to this present day), fought for, and even protected ‘heirs of salvation’, but never even once did a spirit being create a body of flesh. With the exception of Jesus, being born of the Holy Spirit. God is the only One capable of doing such a thing. God is life; Satan is death. God is a creator; Satan has no creative ability, so can only pervert what is already there. Satan can only counterfeit and/or destroy.

This has to be a real stretch for even the most graphic imagination–to suggest that a ‘fallen angel’ would have (or ever has had) creative ability.

We’ll stay with the word of the Lord, that… everything creates ‘after his kind’.

This goes for natural AND spiritual.

EVERYTHING CREATES… ‘after its kind’.

A tree is a tree is a tree…

Me-thinks this may border on poetic… perhaps even prophetic. “A tree is a tree is a tree… and not other than a tree shall it be.”

Let’s get back to what Jesus said when explaining the parable of ‘the sower and the seed’. Jess said, “If you don’t understand this… HOW WILL YOU UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.” (Concerning the kingdom.) Illustrations of the kingdom of God were always given in parables. We need to understand the principle of ‘sowing and reaping’ or shall we say, ‘seedtime and harvest’.

The seed is the word.

The sower went forth to sow.

The sower went forth to sow “the word”.

The word ‘brings forth’… ‘of its kind’.

Our words will bring forth… after their own kind.

This is the purpose of this writing. I’m hoping to bring something forth… after its kind.

So, let’s work at keeping things running parallel. A continuity of thought. As the law of seedtime and harvest applies to the natural… the same law (sowing and reaping) or we could say, ‘saying and doing’, applies to the spiritual. First natural… then spiritual.

Don’t mix it up. Keep it straight. The LORD is very straight-forward when He says in Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” And back in Leviticus 19:19 we read… “don’t sow your field with mingled seed.” I understand this to be natural but we’re remembering the words of Jesus, when He said… “the KINGDOM is as if a man were to cast seed.” Cast seed where? Into your heart. Your heart is your field, and the type of seed (good or bad) determines the type of harvest. And we don’t need a P. D. in Plant Biology to realize that the ‘growing’ will be greater than the ‘sowing’.

So, we translate or transpose, from the natural to the spiritual. We can do that. Jesus did it all the time. And the Apostle Paul said that the things that happened to Israel “in the flesh” happen to us “in the spirit” and again in 1 Corinthians 15:46… “that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.”

Think about it. Disobedience will lead to defeat and captivity, while obedience will lead to victory and liberty.


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A Year now

I still sense your presence in our favourite places.

Dear Sid, It’s been a year now. I made it through. So much to share with you. I’ve spoken aloud to you and wept many a time as our dear little Bear and I walked through mist, snow, or welcome shade in our favourite dog forest. Your stick still awaits you there, up against the fence.Sid's favourite dog forest

I stopped walking there every day because it made me too sad. Besides, in spring we went more often to Sebastian Beach to be warmed by the gentle sun. So glad you requested your ashes to be sprinkled there, where Bear and I go often anyway because it’s so near and dogs can run free. The scenery amazes me every time. If there’s a place on earth both of us would like to be forever, it’s there.

In winter I walked the beach listening to the crashing waves and sobbing, pouring out my heart to you in starts and stops. Sometimes I sat in the car observing the tumultuous sea and sky and letting the driving rain on the windshield wash away my sorrows. As summer came on, when the tide was out I walked barefoot on the sand as Bear ran back and forth, and then when it got really hot, I swam and thought of all the times we swam there together. You dove right in, urging me to join you. I still make my way in ever so slowly. But once in, it’s sooo nice. I remember all the fun we had together frolicking in the water and I miss you.

Plenty of love and support

You had lots of friends. The church people showered us with kindness, sending cards, emails, and calling with love and support from when you got that first spinal tumour, through the year and a half of pancreatic cancer, and even now a year later. Friends and relatives from afar posted notes and prayers on Facebook. Your biker friends (especially Dwight) offered many times to help. Nathaniel and I so appreciated him rounding up the gang to bring trucks and deliver boxes and smaller items to our new home (It’s a comfort having my son around. He misses you too.). Dwight is keeping your memory alive with an annual motorcycle trip to Osoyoos. You guys loved that route. Lake Chelan is still a no-go because of covid-19. Good thing you took those trips to the States while you could.

Your Viking dream finally came true.

A year now. Your childhood dream was to explore the world and discover new places (Viking heritage!). Disappointment struck when you learned the entire world had already been discovered. But a year ago you embarked on the greatest journey of discovery–into the heavens. What is it really like, Sid? I thought I might see you zooming from cloud to cloud on your motorcycle, but all I see is airplane trails. I wonder what you zoom around on up there in that realm that we can’t see from here. Angels have wings, right? But ghosts don’t need them. And what kind of musical instruments have you learned to play? Do you still have the warm singing voice that I loved? So glad to have those videos I can watch any time–almost like having you here for a moment. Watch “Sid Fredericksen, Father of Love” on YouTube

I’ll join you before long. Love and tears, Pearl

Sid Fredericksen’s Heartfelt Musical Legacy

Sid FredericksenSid Fredericksen’s musical legacy began at an early age. He had music in his heart. In primary school, whenever the class lagged, the teacher asked, “Who would like to sing us a song?”. Sid jumped up right away, glad to entertain.

At home, his oldest sister, Marilyn, played the piano while the family gathered around to sing Christmas carols. His sisters had a phonograph and collected popular songs of the 40s and 50s.

As a teen, Sid got himself a guitar, and asked a lady who played to teach him. After a few lessons he was off and away, teaching himself. Eventually he and a few friends formed a band and played at dances in their little Norwegian settlement of Hagensborg in the Bella Coola Valley off the West Coast of Canada. One of the other players, Danny Epp, became a life-long best friend.

Sid traded up his guitar from time to time, and owned several over his lifetime. It was through his guitar playing, in a round-about way, that he became a Christian as an adult. As a child he had accepted Jesus at Vacation Bible School, but had not continued in a Christian lifestyle until in his thirties he was asked to play his guitar for a small church that had no musicians. The pastor was a co-worker with Sid on a road crew in a small interior community. While he attended church to play his guitar, the sermons went straight to Sid’s heart. Soon both he and his first wife, Elsie, committed themselves to Jesus. Sid wrote a couple of songs expressing the joy of his Christian life.

Later in life he bought a ukulele, which he loved to play for passersby on the Nanaimo sea walk to accompany his singing, alternated with a kazoo. Coffee houses for songwriters were popular on Vancouver Island, and for a few years Sid regularly played and sang at several of them. Later he joined a small group of musicians to sing and play hymns and choruses at Senior homes.

At the age of 76, Sid was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. With the end in sight, it became important to Sid to leave his signature on the world in the form of the musical gift God bestowed on him. He continued to learn more guitar fingering and to perfect his songs until he finally faltered.

You can listen to some of Sid Fredericksen’s musical legacy on YouTube, under Sid Fredericksen. Watch the spelling of Fredericksen–three ‘e’s and no ‘o’s.

Here’s a link to one he wrote, with wishes from Sid that you may also come to know his Father of Love, our Creator: https://youtu.be/oRmbqWbt_lo.

Old People Can Forget Things; Sid’s anecdotes of Anahim Lake legend, Lester Dorsey

This story was told to me by my husband Sid, that was told to him by Lester’s oldest boy, Dave.

The weather has turned balmy, from 40 below to 20 below. Lester is fully dressed as he leaves the house to feed the cattle. Warm toque, woolen coat, woolen mitts. After the first stack yard, off comes the toque. After the second yard, off comes the mitts. After the third yard, off comes the coat. So after the cattle are all fed, he’s back home. Next day, same thing all over again, new hat, new coat, new mitts. End of the day, back to the house; next day he knows he’s gonna have to go through all that again, but now there’s an additional problem: where’s my teeth? Lester always kept his teeth in a glass beside his bed. So Dave tells me, when Lester got riled, you didn’t want to be around. So, as Steve and Mike were looking for Lester’s teeth, Dave walks out on the porch, and there’s the dog–munching away on Lester’s top plate! So Dave says to himself, “Yeah, I mean, I think I’ll go shoot some squirrels!”

Sid has related lots of Lester Dorsey anecdotes to me, and he says there may be more to come, if only he can remember them! He says, “They don’t come any tougher than Lester! He could take a boiling pot of coffee off of the stove and drink it right down!”