Have you ever thought about the power of sand? The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God placed sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier which it cannot pass. Though the waves toss and shake themselves, they cannot prevail against the feeble grains of sand which God has ordained by nature sufficient for his purpose. Though the billows roar, they cannot pass over that barrier (from Jeremiah 5:22).
Isn’t that amazing? With all the tumult going on in the world today, each of us may feel as helpless as a grain of sand. Yet what power of resistance sand has–even to hold back mighty ocean waves 🌊. Individually, a tiny grain of sand is just a pretty speck, but all the sand on the beach sifts the water, effectively slowing and stilling it, preventing it from continuing onto the land.
What lessons can we learn from sand? Although we may seem insignificant and feeble, together we do have the power to resist the evils and tumults of the world. So take courage. God has placed you where you are for a reason. Together with His other grains of sand, YOU are making a difference.
Here’s an inviting little sandy beach that’s perfect for a refreshing swim. The water is clear, and deep enough to swim just a few feet from shore. During the day you can lie on a towel on the soft sand to dry in the sun. Sid used to take me there in the evening, which was fine for a swim, but I didn’t like going home cold and clammy, wrapped in a towel in the car. There’s unfortunately no change room–just one blue plastic outhouse at the top of the parking lot.
I wanted to go there with Bear the other day. It had been a couple of years since Sid last took me there. At that time we lived on the other side of town, so we came by a different route, and because Sid always drove, I didn’t pay close attention to the way.
So, this time, we ended up driving all the way around the lake, past The Black Bear Pub, farming areas, a Christmas tree farm, a campsite, and the prison, before ending up back on the highway at the wrong end of the lake.
Second try, I got lost on dead end roads part way up Mt. Benson, where the forest secludes beautiful large homes on acreages, interspersed with junky, scary-looking trailer homes. Determined to find Brannen Lake Beach, third try I turned into a small road next to The Black Bear. It lead me into a lovely development, which I wound through over speed humps. Bingo! At the other end of that was the Beach. I could have gotten there much easier if I had gone over the highway rather than across it. It’s actually quite close to where I live now. Just have to go down Mostar to Dunster, which has an overpass that leads directly to this beach.
It’s not much of a beach for a dog, though. Especially one who doesn’t like swimming. There’s not much of a trail for dog-walking. I’ll have to go some afternoon when Bear has already had his walk and I can leave him home.
There’s even a boat ramp, if you want to do some water skiing or fish from your boat. But for me, it’s an inviting little sandy beach that’s perfect for a refreshing swim.
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