Competition, Courage, and Honor

two men playing volleyball near red canopy

Photo by Jim De Ramos on Volleyball competition

Competition, courage, and honor are found in all games, including the game of life. Winners of competitions are honored and respected.

Which of these are competitions?

  • chess Yes/No
  • volleyball Yes/No
  • politics Yes/No
  • cooking Yes/No
  • preaching Yes/No
  • ping pong Yes/No
  • reading Yes/No

Games are played by rules. Life has rules too. Thousands of years ago, Moses gave the people many rules from God. Jesus changed the rules. He said people should live by two rules. What are they?

  1. Love __________.
  2. Love_______________________________.

Jesus said Love God and love others… all the Law and the Prophets depend on these two. (Matthew 22:37-39) What do you think this means?

Competition, Courage, and Honor in Paul’s Life

The apostle Paul had a lot of courage. Fill in the blanks with these words:

obstacles opportunities discouraged encouraged opposed compete prison envied

  • The apostle Paul was in _____________.
  • He saw _______________ as ________________.
  • Some people _____________ him.
  • He didn’t get_______________.
  • Instead, he _______________ other people.
  • Some people tried to _______________ with him because they_____________ him.

Paul said: What has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel… so that it (the gospel) has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Philippians 1: 13-14

What was Paul’s opportunity?

Paul said: I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. Philippians 1: 19-20

Why was Paul happy?

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the SOUND of LIGHT, by Sarah Sundin, 2023, Revell (Baker Publishing Group)

The Sound of Light
The Sound of Light

The sound of light. It’s a play on words. Lyd-af-Lys, in Danish. The 10-mile-wide strait of water between Denmark and Sweden, reflecting ever-changing sparkling light.

It’s the theme of Henrik Ahlefeldt’s life. In fact, he’s taken on the persona of Havmand the merman, inspired by the little mermaid Havfrue, whose statue sits on a rock gazing to sea.

But all of that is hidden beneath his cover name and person–Hemming Andersen. Why? Because the Nazis have taken over Denmark, and he has life-threatening secrets. But alas, he meets an attractive scientist, Dr. Elsebeth Jensen. A physicist from California working for Nels Bohr at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen.

She attempts to keep peace by silence, but Hemming teaches her to speak out. And Hemming, who has given up his voice, must judiciously speak out again. They, together with the majority of Danish people, participate in saving Danish Jews from deportation and death.

Sarah Sundin reveals this important history and makes it personal to readers. As I read, I identified with the characters and learned along with them. Sometimes it’s brave to keep silent, but sometimes it’s actually cowardly. There are times when one must accept the risks and speak out in order to help others. Not only speak out, but take action.

I chose The Sound of Light from Revell so I could write my unbiased review. I had wanted for years to read one of Sarah Sundin’s WW II novels, and am so glad I finally did. Thank you to Revell for the beautiful paperback.

Get the novel here: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Read other reviews on Goodreads at: The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin | Goodreads.

Visit the author at to learn more about her, her awards, research and novels.

Seeing Obstacles as Opportunities; Simplified English Lesson based on Philippians 1: 12-20

‘discourage’ = remove courage; ‘encourage’ = add courage

Do you know someone who was in a terrible situation (maybe sick, or in a war, or in a bad family, or with no family, or in a bad job), but instead of getting discouraged, they encouraged others?

Paul was not discouraged. Seeing obstacles as opportunities changed how he felt.

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…                           

                                                                                            Phil 1:12

The writer, Paul, was in prison, but he was not discouraged. He wrote a letter to the church to encourage them.

Obstacle or Opportunity?
Photo by Ron Lach on

what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…         

so that it (the gospel)  has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.                                                 Phil 1:13-14

Paul said that his imprisonment advanced the gospel. It helped spread the good news of Jesus because he told his guards about Jesus.

His church brothers were encouraged. Paul was not discouraged, so they were not discouraged either. They were not afraid to tell people about Jesus.

Don’t be discouraged by those who oppose you.

Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment.                                                                                                                                                            Phil. 1:15-17

Some Christians didn’t like Paul. Some people envied Paul because people loved him. They were jealous of him. They preached about Jesus because they wanted to compete with Paul.

Other Christians spread the gospel because of love. They did it with ‘good will’.

“What then?” He writes, “Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” Paul didn’t care why people spread the gospel. He was glad because they told people about Jesus.

Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.                                                                                                                 Philippians 1:19–20

Paul rejoiced. He was happy. Why? Because people prayed for him, and the Spirit of Jesus helped him. He knew he would be delivered from prison. He expected not to be ashamed. Paul had courage that Christ would be honored either by his life or by his death.

Can you start seeing obstacles as opportunities? How can you encourage people even when you have obstacles?

“Look for opportunities to share the gospel, instead of the obstacles that prevent you from sharing your faith.  Don’t become overwhelmed by the difficulties you encounter or become angry or vindictive when you experience opposition.” –quote by Pastor Wayne Snider

Click on this link to get a Chinese-English Bible: Or here to get a Russian-English Bible: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

New Days, New Ways; Simplified English discussion based on Mark chapter 2

soccer by moonlight
soccer by moonlight

New days, new ways. Soccer can even be played at night now.

Rules for Games

Do you like to play games?

Some types of games are:

  • sports, like football, hockey, baseball
  • video games
  • board games, like chess, checkers, monopoly, scrabble

What is your favorite game?

The rules of the game tell us how to play. Can the rules be changed?

Rules for the game of life

As in games, there are rules for living. Thousands of years ago, God gave rules for living to Moses. We can read them in Leviticus 19. Some of them are:

  • Don’t steal 
  • Don’t lie
  • Don’t harvest all of your garden
  • Don’t eat meat with blood in it
  • Keep the Sabbath
  • Don’t get a tattoo
  • Don’t wear clothing made of two different materials
  • Don’t breed your livestock with another breed of livestock
  • Don’t seed your garden with two kinds of seed
  • Don’t trim your beard or sideburns
  • Honor your mother and father

There were a lot more rules than that. Nobody could follow ALL the rules.

God changed the rules

When Jesus came, he changed the rules. He cancelled all the old rules. He gave us two simple rules to live by:

  • Love God
  • Love people

Jesus said Love God and love others…all the Law and the Prophets depend on these two (Matthew 22:37-39).

How can we love God?

  • By praying? Yes/No
  • By reading the Bible? Yes/No
  • By following the rules in Leviticus, that Moses gave? Yes/No
  • By living like Jesus? Yes/No
  • By accepting God’s grace? Yes/No

How can we love other people?

  • By praying for them? Yes/No
  • By giving them money? Yes/No/Sometimes
  • By welcoming them? Yes/No
  • By agreeing with them? Yes/No/Sometimes
  • By giving them grace? Yes/No

New days, New ways

Jesus didn’t follow the old rules that God gave Moses. What did he do that was different?

Do you think we should follow strict rules? Why or why not?

Should we expect other people to follow strict rules? Why or why not?

“This is a new day, so let’s see it in a new way.  Let’s always try to live under the freedom and grace that Jesus gives, and relate to each other in the Spirit of love and truth.” –quote from Pastor Wayne Snider

Click this link to get a Chinese/English Bible: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


The Shop on Blossom Street, by Debbie Macomber, 2004, MIRA

The Shop on Blossom Street
The Shop on Blossom Street

The shop on Blossom Street has opened. Lydia is excited. Her very own little yarn store. Knitting is her favorite hobby, an anchor to her soul through her struggles with cancer.

She starts a knitting class, and three, truly diverse people sign up. Two are from opposite ends of Seattle’s social spectrum–a high society older lady and a young woman on probation who’s barely scraping by. The other is a 30-year-old person who longs for a baby.

As they embark on their first project, a baby blanket, Lydia finds she’s more than a knitting coach–she’s coaching relationship building as well.

Although I’ve never been interested in knitting, I loved this book. I almost want to take up knitting and open a shop. It was wonderful to enter the stories of the characters with their struggles and victories. I look forward to reading more in the series.

This is the first book I’ve read by Debbie Macomber. I’ve heard her books recommended, so when I found a couple of them at a thrift store, I grabbed them. So happy I did.

Read on the all-new Kindle. Get one through this link: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

People in Partnership


Plural of person. One person, many people.


People who are together for some reason. The root word of partnership is partner. A partner is part of a group. Some types of partnership are:

  • business partners
  • families
  • marriage partners
  • work partners

What are some other partnerships?

Do you think of the church as a family? Is it a type of partnership? In what ways?

God’s Grace

God’s grace is His favor and blessing. It means God is good to us.

How is God good to His people?

When we are good to other people, we give them grace. What can you do to give grace to other people?

Christian People in Partnership

Christians are partners because we receive God’s grace together. We are in the family of God.

We also give grace to others. We do good works for other people because God wants us to love them.

English-Russian Gospels Click this link to get a book of the gospels in English and Russian. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Got any enemies?

“O that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! Speedily then I would subdue their enemies, and turn My hand against their adversaries.” Psalm 81:13-14

Asaph wrote this psalm hundreds of years before the time of Christ. It was set to music, accompanied by a Philistine lute.
There sure are all kinds of enemies in this world. What about the old saying, “He’s his own worst enemy.”? I know I’ve been my own worst enemy over and over again in life.
Priscilla Shirer, author and worldwide Bible teacher, says that “the heart is the centerpiece of the soul”, and consists of mind, will, emotions and conscience. Getting these under control goes a long way in protecting your heart ❤️.
Satan and his army of demons do their best to deceive us into believing lies about ourselves and God. They attempt to redirect our ambitions to focus on short-sighted goals. They get our emotions stirred up with runaway responses like anger, discouragement, revenge, or sadness to persuade us into making unstable choices. They influence our conscience to misalign it from God’s standards.
Yes, God wants to subdue our enemies, and promises to do it when we listen to Him and walk in His ways. It starts with guarding our hearts. 💞

Famous for a Living, by Melissa Ferguson, 2023, Thomas Nelson

Famous for a Living by [Melissa Ferguson]
Famous for a Living

Fame and Fortune

Cat Cranwell is famous for a living. That is, until disaster strikes. She and her business partner Bobby Braswell are launching Club, a new social media app. Bobby promises it will soon outdo Instagram and Facebook.

The extravagant celebration party is held on Cat’s 30th birthday, in her newly acquired posh Manhattan apartment. As it’s about to begin, her woodsy park ranger Uncle Terry and his assistant ranger Zaiah turn up at the door. Just as her best friend Selena sets off a calamity with the caterer. In the middle of Bobby urgently trying to convince her to sign an international contract written in several different languages.

Fast Paced

Yes, Melissa Ferguson really knows how to move a story along at a breakneck pace. The whole story is written in first person. At first, I felt uncomfortable in Cat’s skin, as she’s not much like me. But when she was compelled to leave the city and take refuge in the mountains of Montana with her uncle, I began to feel there might be hope for her.

Will Cat be able to remain famous for a living? Or will she even want to? I won’t spoil the story by telling you. There are a few twists and turns. I had to go back and re-read the beginning before writing this review. The first time I skimmed and missed the details that launched Cat into dire straits. You have to read slowly enough to take in everything going on in those first few paragraphs because it’s all important in the story.

This is the second book by Melissa Ferguson that I’ve read. I recommend it to readers who like a fast pace with humor and some underlying serious thought. Thanks to Net Galley for providing me the ARC to review. This is my honest opinion.

Famous for a Living is due to be published May 16, 2023, but is available now to pre-order at As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

the ROSE and the THISTLE, by Laura Frantz, 2023, Revell (Baker Publishing Group)

The Rose and the Thistle
The Rose and the Thistle

The Rose and the Thistle is an intriguing romantic fiction of Scotch and English history in 1715.

Times were changing. The Jacobite Catholic Stuart clan had been ousted in favor of a Hanoverian Protestant King–a foreigner who spoke German rather than English. The Stuarts fled to France, but Catholic Jacobites in Scotland and northern England rose up to fight.

Blythe’s life is in danger, as the devout Catholic daughter of an activist Jacobite Duke of Northumbria. Her father sends her to the safest place he can–Protestant supporters of the king who are family friends in a castle in Scotland.

Friendship trumps politics and religion, at least in this case. The fathers scheme for their heirs to marry, but Everard wants nothing of it. “Tis a Scots lass I seek, Faither. Not a sassenach. Not an Englishwoman.” Haha! What will happen between these two opposites–a refined English rose forced to take refuge with this wild Scotch thistle?

This is the second novel I’ve read by Laura Frantz. She’s a lover of words, especially ancient colloquialisms, and she uses them well. I referred often to the glossary of eighteenth-century Scottish terms at the beginning of the book. She also paints fascinating word-pictures describing settings and characters.

I enjoyed learning this meticulously researched history that ultimately helped shape the British Empire. Thanks to Revell for sending me the Rose and the Thistle, with its gorgeous cover, for the purpose of an honest review. I loved it and would choose another Laura Frantz novel any day.

Visit the author’s website at

Order the ROSE and the THISTLE in Canada by clicking the below link to As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Red Carpet Summer, by Melissa Ferguson, 2018, indie Ebook

Red Carpet Summer
Red Carpet Summer

Red Carpet Summer waited in my TBR pile till I finally read it as my last book of 2022. I read the first two chapters a couple of years ago, then got distracted by other books and set it aside.

The plot takes several twists and turns. In chapter one, the main character, Addie, is working at an orphanage in Africa. In chapter two, she’s suddenly back in her hometown U.S.A., with her ordinary but not spectacular friends and family.

This has already been a major switch, but the next thing you know, she’s hired by a pop-star American musician as an assistant, travelling around the country in a bus. Why settle for the mediocre? That’s Addie’s motto, though she doesn’t realize it at first.

She can’t understand herself. With the great friends and family she already has, why can’t she settle down? One reason is that she’s determined to make a difference in the world. To do her best for the children in the orphanage, and others in need of help–even her new famous musician friend.

For me, the story got more interesting once I got further into it. As a woman in my late sixties, this isn’t normally a book I would have chosen, but I got it free from the author and wanted to read one of her books. I would recommend it more as a Young Adult novel. But I liked the writing and wanted to find out what Addie’s choices would lead to in the end. Given the opportunity I would read more books by Melissa Ferguson.

To find out more about Melissa Ferguson and her books, visit

What’s Over There?

A foggy dusk in Venice
What’s Over There?

On a foggy dusk in Venice, I wondered what was over there across the water. Shadowy images, vaguely visible, looked beautiful, and made me want to go see that nearby island in the daylight.

That’s the way we see heaven from our present vantage point. A beautiful place over there through the mist. The Bible gives us glimpses of it. Occasionally we get bits conveyed by people with near-death experiences.

Jesus told his followers that he was going to his Father’s house to build rooms for us. In Jewish customs, during the betrothal period, the father and son built a new room onto the father’s house. He promises to bring us there to live with Him.

The apostle John recorded visions of the future in the book of Revelations. Chapter 21 tells of a new sky and a new earth. God will live with people there. He will wipe away all our tears. Death, anguish, sorrow, mourning, grief and pain will be no more. He is making all things new, and He commissioned John to write ✍️ it down for us to know.

And He further said, It’s done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without price from the fountain of the water of Life (verse 6).

What’s over there? Like on that foggy dusk in Venice, we envision something beautiful. I look forward to going over there when the time is right, and experiencing heaven for myself.

HONOR’S REFUGE, by Hallee Bridgeman, 2022, Revell (Baker Publishing Group

Honor's Refuge
Honor’s Refuge

Honor’s Refuge is the third book in the Love & Honor series. Personally, I liked it even better than the first one, Honor Bound, by Hallee Bridgeman, 2022, Revell (Baker Publishing Group). I didn’t read the second book, but they work as stand-alone novels too, so you don’t have to read them in order.

Whereas Honor Bound focuses on tribal warfare in Africa, Honor’s Refuge is all in America and focuses on a shelter for abuse victims. That’s a topic of special interest to me because I have both stayed in one and worked in one.

I appreciate the way the author skillfully balances suspense, better times, and romance. Important things happen during those better times between adrenaline and other hormone arousals. Things like other kinds of relationships, realizations, and God’s goodness.

This story continues with the life of Phil Osbourne, one of the characters in Honor Bound, and introduces Melissa Braxton, who runs the shelter. Melissa has been wondering where her younger sister ended up ever since they were tragically separated at an early age. I don’t want to give away spoilers, but trust me, the story is good. It kept me reading till I finished it, way past my bedtime.

At the end of the novel, there are thought-provoking questions to discuss with other readers or just think through yourself. And tasty recipes to try.

Connect with the author at HALLEEBRIDGEMAN.COM. Find this and other Revell books at

I chose and received this book from the publisher to give my honest review. Thank you, Revell.

The Power of Sand

Have you ever thought about the power of sand? The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God placed sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier which it cannot pass. Though the waves toss and shake themselves, they cannot prevail against the feeble grains of sand which God has ordained by nature sufficient for his purpose. Though the billows roar, they cannot pass over that barrier (from Jeremiah 5:22).

Isn’t that amazing? With all the tumult going on in the world today, each of us may feel as helpless as a grain of sand. Yet what power of resistance sand has–even to hold back mighty ocean waves 🌊. Individually, a tiny grain of sand is just a pretty speck, but all the sand on the beach sifts the water, effectively slowing and stilling it, preventing it from continuing onto the land.

What lessons can we learn from sand? Although we may seem insignificant and feeble, together we do have the power to resist the evils and tumults of the world. So take courage. God has placed you where you are for a reason. Together with His other grains of sand, YOU are making a difference.

the SECRETS of EMBERWILD, by Stephenia H. McGee, 2022, Revell (Baker Publishing Group)

Horses, women’s rights, love and marriage in 1905 America.

Horses, women’s rights, love and marriage in 1905 America. A young woman and her horse. Family expectations, loyalties, needs and desires. Secrets brought to light.

Horses, women's rights, love in 1905

What will become of Nora and her dearly loved horse now that her father has died? Her uncle takes charge, but something doesn’t seem right.

At the same time, Silas turns up, asking questions about his father’s death 15 years ago and the horse that went missing.

A series of suspicious accidents occur. Something is wrong, but what is really going on, and why? And who is the culprit?

In 1905, women’s roles and men’s roles were distinct. Men took care of horses. Women cooked and kept the house. But Nora’s horse is all she loves.

Bringing history to life

Horses, women’s rights, love and marriage in 1905 America. Stephania McGee brings to life the difficulties of an independent woman of the era. It wasn’t easy to step out and make choices. Women were expected to obey and fit into the lives cut out for them. Nora had to consider her mother, the reputation of her family, and her own needs for protection and provision. But what about the needs of her heart?

McGee has put a lot of research into the writing of this novel. We learn about horses and racing at the time, as well as the lives people lived. I particularly enjoyed the way she describes places, horses and people. The mystery combined with threads of romance is reminiscent of Agatha Christie’s style, with the real culprit revealed at the end.

Thank you, Revell, for sending me a beautiful copy of this book to review. I’m glad I chose it. I recommend it to horse lovers and readers of historical women’s fiction.

This book can be purchased at, by clicking here.

Check out Goodreads reviews here.

The Greatest Feast of All

A Church Feast

Recently in Geneva, I came across a picture on an outside wall in the old quarter, showing a church feast for all. A potluck, possibly to celebrate the harvest. People of all kinds participated and ate happily together.

This morning I read in Isaiah 25: 6, about another church feast, which will be the greatest feast ever. The Lord Himself will make this feast. It will be for all peoples. It’s the coronation festival inaugurating the reign of the Lord on earth 🌎.

What will he serve? Rich meat 🍖 full of fat and marrow, it says, and the best of well-aged wines 🍷.

What will he do when he reigns? Verses 7-8 tell us that he will abolish death forever and wipe away tears from off all faces. Wow!

This is God telling the world, long before the time of Jesus, through the prophet Isaiah, of his love for all people. That includes you, whoever you are, and me too. God loves us all, and he, when he reigns, will restore relationships and life, as we feast together at his table.