Roasted Roots

Roasted RootsHere in our cold Canadian winters roasted root vegetables are part of a hearty locally-grown meal to provide warmth and lasting energy to body and soul.  Shown here along with some Mennonite farmer sausage and frozen green peas are my roasted potatoes and a medley of roasted turnip, carrot and apple.  A bit of herbs and spice makes it nice, and adds extra nutritional benefits as well!  Smells so yummy too!

Root and Apple Medley

  • 1/2 small turnip
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 apple
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • dashes of allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon

Chop roots and apple into small pieces.  Stir brown sugar and spices into melted butter in an oven-proof bowl and add roots and apple, stirring to coat.  Roast at 400 degrees F. for 40 minutes, stirring every ten minutes.

Tasty Roasted Taters

  •  One large Russet potatoe
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • spicy pepper medley to taste

Peel and cut potatoe into cubes.  Mix olive oil, lemon juice and spicy pepper medley in bottom of a bowl and put the potatoe cubes in, stirring to coat.  Then lay out the coated potatoe cubes on a baking tray and roast at 400 degrees F. for 40 minutes, turning every 10 minutes.

The ‘spicy pepper medley’ I have contains black pepper, onion, red bell peppers and garlic.  I shook in lots of it, but you could use other herbs or spices too, as you like.

The spices and herbs in these recipes make them aromatic and flavourful without the use of salt, which you may be avoiding if you have high blood pressure.

Sid’s Crepes

My husband loves to make (and eat!) these crepes.  He can eat lots of them but I have to limit myself to a few as they are more filling than they seem!  The batter can be mixed the night before so all you have to do in the morning is pour it.  They are very nice, and low carb too, however high fat content because of the cream.  Some experts these days say that’s good.  We heard a local Nanaimo chiropracter, Dr. Stefani, give a talk recently on Health Over 55, and he recommended eating lots of fat and doing lots of excercise.  They seemed to give Sid the energy he needed for shoveling the driveway today anyway!


  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup 18% cream
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • jam or other filling


Preheat a non-stick frying pan to medium-low.

Whisk the eggs and then gradually add in the cream and flour alternately while continuing to whisk.  Whisk in the melted butter and vanilla.

Pour one crepe at a time onto the frying pan and flip it when the bottom is done.

Spread with your favourite jam or other filling.  Cinnamon & sugar is also nice, or fresh strawberries, or whatever you might like to try.

Mmm, so nice for a special treat!  They go down easy, but make you feel full for hours! Pictured is my share; Sid eats twice as many!

Happy Chinese New Year!

On the ancient traditional Chinese calendar it’s New Years Day today.  On our Western calendar it’s February 5th, 2019.  The old Chinese calendar goes by a different system altogether, so Chinese New Year falls around this time every year but not always on February 5th. 2016-02-28 10.24.41

This photo of koi fish was taken by me at Hong Kong’s Gold Coast outside of a luxury hotel when I was there a few years ago.  Koi or goldfish represent good luck to the Chinese.

Hong Kong is one of my favourite places.  I have been there several times and have many happy memories of exploring interesting different districts with family and friends.

Today Hong Kong and all parts of China will be lighting strings of firecrackers and wishing each other a happy new year full of good luck and riches.  Families will be visiting their relatives, and grandparents, aunts and uncles will be giving children red envelopes containing money.

In 1985 we were in Guangdong on Chinese New Year, at a college studying Chinese.  Our sons were 3 and 5 years old then.  All the families got together outside on the campus on Chinese New Years Eve and lit firecrackers.  The children all had the small type that my brother and I and our friends used to light in the 60s.  The boys thought it was great!  Of course we hovered over them to make sure they didn’t burn themselves.

The Chinese calendar revolves around a list of animals.  This year is the year of the pig.  A whole system of astrology surrounds the Chinese zodiac.  If you are born in the year of the pig you are said to have shared characteristics with everyone else born in the year of the pig.

Also called Spring Festival, people usually get a week off work to travel to visit family and also to participate in activities such as going to flower markets and visiting ancestral graves.

Here’s wishing a Happy Chinese New Year to all, and may you be blessed with health and prosperity!


The Septembers of Shiraz, by Dalia Sofer, 2007, HarperCollins

Iran, early 1980s, the Shah recently deposed.  Muslim terrorists have taken control of the country.

The author was a young girl at this time, and writes of the era she lived through.  The central characters are a family and Sofer tells of each family member’s unique experiences, giving the reader a realistic insight into the kinds of things that took place in the lives of real people.

Sofer’s writing is easy to follow and she draws the reader in so that you can hardly wait to find out what happens to each family member and you dread the worst and hope for the best.  She does not disappoint.

The reader comes out having learned about this time and place, and also a lot about the multifaceted sides of human nature.

A Season for Pondering

It is January 7th. We are still gradually putting away our Christmas decorations. It’s been a lovely season for us, beginning in late November with Christmas activities.

Bit by bit the days are lengthening in this part of the world, bringing a renewal of energy. The dark days of winter and the celebrations of Christmas and New Year’s Day for me are a season of pondering. The chilly wet weather is conducive to curling up in a comfy chair with a blanket and a hot drink and reading or watching TV or visiting or listening to my husband play his guitar and sing.

Christmas carols cause me to ponder the birth of Jesus, God’s love, light in darkness, hope and peace. Angels play a major role in Christmas. My husband and I have been attending a home Bible study group on the theme of angels. Over the Christmas season my husband read a book on angels, which I had bought and read years ago. We had some interesting discussions stemming from that and recalling our own experiences which seemed to involve angels. The book I am referring to is Celebration of Angels; A compelling look at the heavenly beings who touch our lives, by Timothy Jones, published in 1994 by Thomas Nelson.

I also read three thought-provoking novels, causing me to ponder marriage and family, life and death, forgiveness and understanding amoungst family members.

Such thoughts always renew my appreciation for my own parents and their faithfulness to each other and to us kids through thick and thin.

My own life has not fared so well. Perhaps I strove too hard. As a young person my conscience was over-active, causing me to be overwhelmed with feelings of guilt as well as trying too hard to be perfect. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized that God does not expect us to be perfect. He is a forgiving and understanding God.

Sadly, I projected that guilt and perfectionism onto my family, and it contributed to the demise of my first marriage and difficulties with my children. Thank God there has been forgiveness, but the damage was done.

My mother had many sayings, and one of them was “Get your priorities straight”. Looking back over my life I think I may have been better off not to focus so much on getting a higher education and having a career. After all, home and family has always been what is most fulfilling to me. I really believe in the traditional role of women as wives and mothers. Not to invalidate other roles as well. I do appreciate education and work but it has often been disappointing to me. Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that he feels abortions should be available to young women so that they can live up to their full potential. What indeed is “full potential” in a woman if it isn’t motherhood and bravely protecting and nurturing your own offspring, even at all costs?

So here I am in my 65th year of life looking back. Currently I am not working at a regular job, but will I have to find one again? The cost of living keeps rising and our pensions don’t! I feel fulfilled in my role as a wife looking after my husband and home, and as a mother looking after a son who has disabilities. My hobby of writing fulfills my creative streak. May I trust in God’s continued care and provision for myself and my family members and may He give me wisdom for the difficult decisions I will have to make!

Excerpt from my novel

Rainy day bookstore shopping

Rain drummed on the windowpane. “Some rainy day bookstore shopping might be a good after-school activity today. If you don’t have to work, maybe we could go together.” Alison zipped up her jacket in front of the mirror at the door while her sister pulled on boots.

As the Christmas season began, around the end of November, Alison noticed that she had started to put on a bit of weight, and her belly seemed tight.  Must be all those cheeseburgers.  She frowned at herself in the mirror. Often hungry after school, she had been dropping in to the fast food shop where her sister worked and grabbing a cheeseburger with fries and Coke.

But this afternoon their mother picked them up from school. Her car awaited them at the curb as they headed home–a welcome sight, and so nice of her to do that when she could.

She lowered the passenger window and called out through the downpour, “I thought I’d give you a ride, since I didn’t have work today.”

“Thanks Mom!” they responded in unison, taking down their umbrellas and getting in.

“Mom, can I borrow the car to go to the bookstore?” asked Amy as they neared home.  “I don’t have much homework today and I’d like to stock up on a few books to read on these dark blustery evenings.”

“Sure!  That’s a good idea.  Alison, maybe you’d like to go with her? Some rainy day bookstore shopping would be a perfect way to spend this afternoon.”

“Yes, I want to,” was her quick response. She didn’t bother to mention that it was her idea in the first place.

“See you at suppertime then.” Mom handed Amy the keys as she got out and Amy climbed into the driver’s seat.

Enticing bookstore ambience

A warm blast of coffee and gingerbread aromas and gentle Christmas music hit them when they pulled open the heavy glass doors of the bookstore.  A heady feeling of inspiration enveloped Alison in this gym-sized room full of enticing colourful new books invitingly displayed on tables and shelves, with intellectual-looking people browsing in quiet reverence or sipping foamy drinks together in front of a big stone fireplace.

A book on the feature table by the door immediately captured her attention.  The title, “Grain Belly” popped out at her.

A new realization begins to form

Aha! Maybe this is what I have.

She picked up the book and brought it to a chair at the back of the store to skim through while Amy browsed around.

Yes, this makes sense.  All those burgers with buns.  Toast for breakfast.  Sandwiches for lunch and muffins or cookies for snacks.  No wonder I’m developing a grain belly.

Alison bought the book and began talking about it to her family and friends.  She reduced her intake of wheat products and researched into a healthier diet.  Her mother brought home more fresh fruits from the grocery store where she worked (mostly apples, as this was the only Canadian fresh fruit available in winter).  The family ate salads almost every day with supper.  Alison ate cereals instead of toast for breakfast.  She especially liked those little hot porridge packs that came in different flavours, which you pour in a bowl with a little water and nuke for a minute.  Her favourite was the peaches & cream.  And she brought carrot sticks to school for snacks.  However, she still found herself hungry, so instead of bread she filled up with fries or little yogurts or cheeses, etc.

She also bought several large bulky sweaters to cover up her growing middle.

It wasn’t until after Christmas, during the holidays, that Alison realized this was more than a “grain belly”.  Something was moving inside of her!  Not wanting to believe it or face up to it, she kept it to herself for now.

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Celebrate God’s Gift to All

Baby Jesus, born of a virgin, laid in a manger.  A bright host of angels anouncing his birth to grubby shepherds out in a field as they watched over their flock of sheep.  A bright unusual star moving across the sky leading a group of astrologists to see the baby who was predicted to be a king.

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.”  John 3:16-17

To think of the wonder of God’s love for us!  Shown to us in this amazing earthy way, brought to lowly people.  A teenage girl who in that culture could have been stoned to death for being found pregnant.  A group of shepherds rather than men in esteemed positions.  Foreigners who watched for signs in the stars.  The gift of God’s love is for everyone.  Jesus came to save us all from our lost sinful hopeless condition.

He told Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader, about his purposes and how he had come from heaven to earth to save those who put their faith in him.  His is a spiritual kingdom.  He said that the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven as a second, spiritual birth, to believers.

In order to accomplish salvation for mankind he knew that he would have to lay down his life, and he knew how that would happen.  He said to Nicodemus, “I, the Son of Man, must be lifted up on a pole, so that everyone who believes in me will have eternal life.” John 3:14-15.

By his death he conquered death and sin and darkness, and arose from the grave in victory!  Although we all have to go through physical death, we can have eternal spiritual life through Jesus.

Over the past week I have learned of the deaths of several people who hoped in Jesus and departed this earthly life in anticipation to their eternal home which Jesus promised to prepare for them.  Although they will be missed here on earth, we need not grieve in despair, but rejoice that they have gone to their heavenly homes where there is no more sadness or sickness or sin.

“There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you.  If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.  When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”  John 14:2-3

God with us!  The Holy Spirit born in us!  Not only for now here on earth, but for eternity!  What a gift!  Thank you Jesus, we love you!


From Trees to Pulpit in the Chilcotin Valley

It was quite a chilly morning as we stepped back out of the ‘bunk house’ and walked toward the pick-up truck to head out into the hills that day.

October in the Chilcotin is cool and crisp and when there’s a little frost at night the trees glisten like hundreds of candled Christmas trees as the rays of sunlight come streaming through the forest.  I had to smile to myself just a little as I thought how loggers are supposed to be so tough, and that only sissies and tourists are supposed to enjoy beautiful scenery.

George and my cousin Randy and I had been cutting trees for the local mill (actually it was Randy’s mill) and that day was especially exciting to me as I had run across a gorgeous clear ‘yellow cedar’ without knots, that I had a special plan for.  This was fir country and this ‘cedar’ was a long way from home.  I was some excited to discover it the day before.

It was common knowledge that our pastor was in need of a new pulpit as the old one had been pounded so much that it was developing a strange lean to it.  Both the pastor and the pulpit leaned to the same side so you never really knew if you were sitting up straight or not.  Something had to be done as some of the people were staring to complain of having a sore back.

I began to realize that there was no point in rebuking the devil for something that could be fixed by some ‘good ole’ common sense.  I myself was tired of tipping my head to one side so took it upon myself to rectify the situation.  “New pulpit,” I said.  Said it to myself that is.  Not everything has to go through the church board.

So as we drove into the hills that bright October day I had a special feeling of being personally involved with at least one of the trees I was going to fall that day.

As all the logs were loaded out and were slowly pulled off the mountain, it was hard to tell which one was special and I alone knew that one of the logs on that truck had a bright and eventful future, as it was going to be ‘in the ministry’.

A new, brightly varnished pulpit, for our pastor, in our little country church.

All that needed to be done now was to have this special log cut into special dimensions, have a skilled craftsman fashion it together… contrasting the glowing red fir (not too gaudy) with the warm yellow cedar.  A nice conservative pulpit for a nice conservative preacher (only a joke); yellow cedar with rich red fir trim.  Right on!

So in a few short weeks our pastor will be so blessed to have a beautiful desk to stand beside to bless his people with the ‘word of God’.

Be patient with me please, as I go along, dreaming of how splendid this piece of work will be.  I think that God–our creator–must be like this.  Planning our lives ahead of us.  Philippians 2:13 “for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

I’ve been thinking about this pulpit for some time now.  A place on the top for drinking water; maybe some flowers; also a drawer for pencils or whatever.  A small lip to keep Bible and notes from slipping off.  Alright already.  Enough already.

So here we go to church this one Sunday morning and… hey… new pulpit!

Do we see a tree here?  No way.  This is not seen or even thought of as being a tree.  There are no branches, no leaves, no nests, no bark, knots or pitch.

We never gave it a thought–that this was once a tree.  And if someone even suggested “what a lovely tree” you’d really wonder what ‘tree’ they had fallen out of.  This is a pulpit… no doubt about it.  Beautifully constructed, sanded and varnished; with our smiling, shining pastor standing erect, ready to bring us ‘the word’.

This is a pulpit, no doubt about that!  And we are also a ‘new creation’ in Christ, no doubt about that!

This pulpit is still wood but no longer considered to be a tree.  We are still human but should no longer be considered ‘sinner’.  Not by nature.  Not since we have been given a new nature.  II Peter 1:3-4  “according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature…”

Man was created by God, in the image of God.  He was like God; and then fell.  At that point his nature was changed to a different nature.  He took on the sinful nature of Satan himself and needed not to change his mind but to change his nature.

Most houses are made of wood.  Now if you stood on the outskirts of town and looked this way: forest.  Then you turned and looked this way: house.  Is there a difference?  But because we can’t see into the spirit we don’t see change.  We look at a sinner and we think: sinner.  We look at a Christian and we think: sinner.  We don’t see a change on the outside so we don’t see that there has even been one.  Believe me (believe the Bible) there has been one.

Having our wrong nature (Adam’s) changed back into a right nature (Jesus’) is at least as different as a pulpit is from a tree.  II Corinthians 5:17-18  “therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new and all things are of God… ”  Read right through to the end of the chapter.  We can plainly see here that as surely as Jesus was made ‘to be’ sin, we have been made ‘to be’ righteous.

How was I made right by not doing right?  Well let me ask you this.  How was Jesus made wrong by not doing wrong?

I was born wrong–in Adam; and then was born again (right) in Jesus.

Jesus did no sin but received my nature (sin) that I might receive His nature (righteous).

How was this pulpit made into a pulpit?  Easy: by a carpenter.  Did this house just up and decide one day that it got tired of being a tree… standing in the cold and heat, day and night, with bugs and woodpeckers boring holes in it?  No; the carpenter made the decision and it was he who made the house.  It was he who made the pulpit.  It was He who made us.

God made you and I.  If we’ve been born again we’ve been born from above; born of His Spirit.  Quickened and made alive.  Not healed; raised.

We need to begin to see ourselves this way.  The way our father in heaven sees us.  Not to judge others ‘after the flesh’ or to even judge ourselves ‘after the flesh’, but to see things in the spirit.  “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”  John 3:6-7




The Imago Dei in Counseling Theory and Practice

Preamble:  This is a paper I wrote in 1999 for a course I took at ACTS at Trinity Western University in a Masters of Counseling program (Theology 648).  The notion of people having been made in the image of God as taking pre-eminence over the theology of total depravity was a turning point for me.  It has made a big difference in the way I view people and deal with them.

 Thesis Statement

The Imago Dei is central to a Christian theory of personality; because of it the Christian counselor is obligated to treat all clients with respect, and the mandate of the counselor is to guide her clients towards the restoration of their Imago Dei.


  1. On a Christian Humanism
  2. What Do We Have in Common With God?
  3. Man and Woman are Both in God’s Image
  4. A Reason not to Kill
  5. Jesus, the Perfect Imago Dei
  6. The Importance of the Gospel to Counseling Clients
  7. On Freedom of Choice
  8. Sanctification
  9. Human Relationships
  10. Depravity
  11. Hope in the Future
  12. The Path to Healing


1  On a Christian Humanism

The Imago Dei, the image of God in the human being, is a mysterious concept.  The Bible tells us that God created us in His image (Genesis 1:26-28).  Yet apparently God is three persons in one, according to the doctrine of the Trinity.  He said, “Let us create man in our image.”  If we are indeed created in the image of God, then this must be of central importance t counseling theory and practice.  It would be integral to a theory of personality, and to the way we as counselors treat our clients.  According to J. I. Packer, “It is part of the glory of the gospel to be the one genuine humanism that the world has seen” (Knowing Man, p.11).

Packer sees humanism as (P. 11-12):

A quest for full realization of the possibilities of our humanity.  we see ourselves as less satisfied, less fulfilled less developed, less fully expressed, than we might be; we have not yet tasted all that could enrich us, nor yet made the most of relationships with others, nor yet enjoyed all that is there to be enjoyed, nor yet fully harnessed the powers of the physical world as instruments of our freedom; and we long to enter further into what we see as our human heritage.  In this sense we are all humanists; our natural self-love, which God implanted in us, makes us so.  You would have to say of anyone who had ceased to look for personal enrichment in any of these ways ( as alas, broken folk sometimes do) that he or she was hereby lapsing from one dimension of humanness, as if to contract out of the human race.

He thinks of non-Christian humanism as “brutism or animalism” (p. 13).  That is because they (p. 13):

tell us to turn our backs on God as Christians know him, to give up that ideal of the good life which the Bible and the Christian past bequeath to us, and to start ‘doing our own thing’ without regard for any authority save the imperious promptings of our own hearts.  …I conceive that anyone who turns his back on God and God’s revealed will for us forfeits a dimension of human dignity and settles for a way of life which in this respect befits the lower animals, but does not match the nature and potential of man at all.

2  What do We Have in Common with God?

There is so much that we don’t know about God, even those religious people who have studied about Him for many many years.  And likewise psychologists who have studied personality for many many years still disagree about the basics.  However those of us who have put our trust in God, and in the Bible as His Holy Word to us, can see some basic premises in this regard.

First, we have in common with God the responsibility of dominion.  God is the Creator and ultimate Sustainer of the earth.  However human beings have been given charge of it.

Second, we have a social nature.  We need each other.  If people are alone all the time we think something is wrong.  As God has fellowship within the Trinity, we have fellowship within our families, and with our friends.  There is a sense in which we are part of each other.  We can feel this when someone who means a lot to us moves away or dies, and is removed from our lives.  We long for a time when we will be reunited.  Thankfully we have the hope of heaven, where all barriers between people will be removed.

Third, we have personhood, which carries with it responsibility.  God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus each have their own roles in the Godhead.  Just so, we have our own personality gifts and roles to play in the human race.

Fourth, God told us to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28).  In other words He blessed our sexuality, which He created.  This tells us something about God.  He obviously has a sensuous nature as well.

And fifth, “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).  He took pleasure in HIs work, and so must we.  After working hard to accomplish our goals, it is very satisfying to look back on our accomplishments with pleasure and pride.  Not a bragging, puffed up pride that puts a chasm between ourselves and others, but a good feeling that we have done something well, and a gladness for a dream fulfilled.

3  Man and Woman are both in God’s Image

Man and woman together are the image of God.  …human’s having been created male and female is an essential aspect of the image of God.  Karl Barth lays great stress on this point: man’s existence as male and female is not something secondary to the image, but is at the very heart of the image of God.  This is so not just because of the difference in sex between man and woman–since this distinction is found also among the animals–but because of far-reaching differences in personality between the two.  Man’s existence as male and female means that man as a masculine being has been created for partnership with another being who is essentially like him but yet mysteriously unlike him.  It means that woman is the completion of man’s own humanity, and that man is wholly himself only in his relationship with woman (Hoekema, P. 97).

So, as counselors, we must never allow our clients to belittle the other sex, but remind them that God made both in His image, and that although male and female are so different in many ways, we do need each other, and our differences were meant to complement each other.

4  A Reason not to Kill

The reason we are not to kill one another is because we are made in the image of God (Genesis 9:6).  Think of the implications of this in regards to abortion, or euthanasia, or even simply hatred.  How many times have we wished someone we dislike would just die.  And yet these people bear the image of God.  What a mandate for Christian counselors, to help people see this, and to help people be restored to greater God-likeness.  To help people redirect the energy from their hatred into restoring the image of God in each other.  Not that we can manipulate each other into being better Christians, but we can put time and energy into praying for each other, and doing good to each other, and considering the best paths to take for each other’s sakes.

James 3:9-10 says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers, this should not be.”  And yet we see that God also in a sense curses people.  Think of the great flood.  And of the destruction predicted in the book of Revelation.  And in many other prophecies in the Bible.  Some of them have been fulfilled already.  Many innocent die along with the wicked.  What can we say?  Is there a time for cursing?  But our general principle should be to remember God’s image in one another, and respect everyone for that reason.

5  Jesus, the Perfect Imago Dei

The clearest, most perfect image of God can be seen in the man Christ Jesus (II Corinthians 4:4-6).  This is very interesting, especially since Jesus was born into a poor family, and lived a very humble life.  As Isaiah 53 prophesied about Him:

He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.  He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering…  But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

This is not the kingly image that we would expect of God.  And considering the fierce God of the Old Testament, it seems to be the opposite.  However, even in the Old Testament God exercised extreme patience with people.  Also His goodness is evident to all who open their eyes and look around at creation and the laws of nature.

What must therefore be at the centre of the image of God is not characteristics like the ability to reason or the ability to make decisions (important as such abilities may be for the proper functioning of the Image of God), but rather that which was central in the life of Christ: love for God and love for man.  If it is true that Christ perfectly images God, then the heart of the image of God must be love, for no man ever loved as Christ loved (Hoekema, Created in God’s Image, p. 22).

That Jesus is one with the Father is evident from Colossians 1:15-20:

He is the image of the invisible God… by Him all things were created…  God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood shed on the cross.

6  The Importance of the Gospel to Counseling Clients

If this is true, then it must be central to counseling theory and practice.  Although the various schools of psychology such as behaviourism, cognitive therapy, gestalt etc., have contributed a lot to helping people, compared to the healing power of the gospel, they are Band-Aid solutions.  I don’t discount them at all, but I think that the most important general principle behind Christian psychology is to use whatever methods one chooses with the goal in mind of restoring people to the image of God.  I am not saying that we should shove the gospel down our clients’ throats.  We don’t need to see their salvation, but we ought to help them along the way.  It doesn’t mean we must mention God to every client, but we do need to remember that we all as Christians are entrusted with the mandate of sharing the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20).  As Christian counselors we do also need to bear in mind the place of sin in our clients’ problems.  As Anderson says (On Being Human: Essays in Theological Anthropology, p. 99):

Karl Menninger, another practicing psychotherapist, echoes Mowrer’s opinion, sin is the only hopeful view.  The present world miasma and depression are partly the result of our self-induced conviction that since sin has ceased to be, only the neurotics need to be treated and criminals punished.

The concept of sin as a “hopeful’ perspective in treating people who suffer personality disturbances is significant.  Certainly accounting for personality disturbances as expressions of sin must be done with great caution.  But the point both Mowrer and Menninger make is that the nature of the disorder may be such that a more radical confrontation with the very being of the person is required before true “order” can be restored.  The possibility of this confrontation actually occurring and resulting in a restoration of personal existence under a proper order emerges only out of a theological anthropology.  And such a possibility is implied by the actuality of personal being existing in a true order determined by the divine Word of God, experienced as the image and likeness of God in co-humanity.

7  On Freedom of Choice

Hoekema stresses the capability of people to make choices (p. 229):

Needless to say, the ability to make choices is a most important capacity.  It is basic to human existence.  Apart from it, there can be no education, no religion, and no worship…  Unfortunately, however, certain scientific understandings of human nature in our day deny that man has the ability to choose.  An example of this is modern psychological behaviorisms, especially as exemplified by B. P. Skinner.  In his books, Beyond Freedom and Dignity and About Behaviorism, Skinner defends the position of environmental determinism.  All human behavior, he claims, is completely controlled by genetic and environmental factors.  All human “choices” are determined by previous physical causes.  To say that the human being is “free” to act as he “wills” is a myth, says Skinner; mans conduct is totally determined by his environment.  This view implies, however, that human beings have no responsibility for the decisions they make, and that man really has neither freedom nor dignity.

We may not be so totally a product of our environment as Skinner said, but before salvation, we are in essence slaves to sin.  Minirth and Meier (Counseling and the Nature of Man, p. 10) say that:

The counselor who recognizes that man is by nature depraved knows that attempts at “self-actualization” will ultimately fail.  That is, man in himself has neither the capability nor the goodness necessary to solve his own problems and overcome the evil within him.  The Christian counselor agrees with Jeremiah’s assessment that “the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).  The mind is dishonest and tricky.  Man employs various defense mechanisms in efforts to avoid taking an honest look at himself.

8  Sanctification

Sanctification is the process of rediscovery of God’s image in us.  It involves an effort on our part.  Ephesians 5 tells us to, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  It gives us a list: to live moral lives, not to be greedy, not to be deceived, to find out what pleases the Lord, to expose unrighteousness, not to be foolish, not to get drunk, instead to be filled with the Spirit, to sing and make music, to always give thanks, an to submit to one another.  If we all lived this way, I think we would have very few psychological problems in the world.  But we are all sinners, falling far short of these ideals.  We need to constantly make an effort to be imitators of Christ, and keep reading our Bibles to remind ourselves of the way God wants life to be.

Colossians 3:9-10 says, “…you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”  Ephesians 4:22-23 expands on this, telling us to be made new in the attitude of our minds, putting on our new selves, created to be like God in resolving our anger quickly, not stealing, being careful what we say, getting rid of bitterness rage and anger, slander and malice, being kind and compassionate and forgiving.  In western culture we take for granted that we should live in these ways (even though we don’t completely), but in many cultures these things are not even expected at all.  Cross-cultural counselors must bear this in mind.

God is rational, righteous, has perfect fellowship within the Trinity, has sovereignty, loves beauty, is expressive, and loving.  Human beings have rationality, moral sensitivity, capacity for worship, volitional power, aesthetic sense, are communicative, and have the capacity to love.  However we have not developed these fully.  Sin is in our way of doing so.  The functional aspects of these things are imperfect.  Our abilities to think and create, act morally, worship, set goals and take action, create, speak and write, and to act in love are all hampered.

As Packer says (p.20), the image of God in the human:

Is more or less achieved according to how I use my God-given capacities.  The given capacities (the image viewed formally) are powers of thought, of construction, of management of moral discernment and of relating responsively to other rational beings.  The fulfillment of the image (the image viewed substantially) consists of actual rationality, creativity, mastery of environment, righteousness and community.

Jesus shows us the only perfect Imago Dei.  His love is perfect.  His life was sinless, lived in prayerful dependence on the Father.  He was not selfish, but wholly directed towards God and towards His neighbour.  He exhibited dominion over nature, creativity, and sovereignty.

Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

9  Human Relationships

Human Beings are relationship oriented.  Our primary relationship is with God.  As Jesus said, the greatest commandment is to love God with all our strength.  Then, we have human relationships.  The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.  We also have a relationship and responsibility to nature.  We have been given the mandate to guard, watch over, and preserve it (Genesis 1:27-28 & 2:15).  Although we seldom think about it much, we also have a relationship with the angels.  Too often we take for granted their protection over us.  And then, we have relationships with ourselves.

In secular theories these relationships are often not considered, or they are only partially considered.  As Christian counselors, part of restoring the Imago Dei in our clients is to help them work on these relationships.  Some of the Neil Anderson material is helpful in this regard.  Regarding self-image, Hoekema refers to Augustine, and Carl Rogers (p. 105).  Some people have too high a self-image:

Augustine said it long ago: pride is the root sin of man.  Apart from the grace of God, human beings tend to think of themselves as autonomous, or as a law to themselves.  Refusing to bow before God and his commandments, they wish to live as they please.  In man by nature there is no sense of dependence on God, but rather pride in his or her own achievements and exaggerated sense of self-importance.

And some people’s self-image is too low, as Carl Rogers, the well-known proponent of client-centred therapy, puts it:

The central core of difficulty in people as I have come to know them… is that in the great majority of cases they despise themselves, regard themselves as worthless and unlovable.

There is a need for “an honest awareness of both our strengths and weaknesses, so as to give us a realistic image of ourselves” (p.106).

Historically the church has emphasized the vertical relationship of the human being to God.  It is only relatively recently that the human to human relationship has been more emphasized.

10  Depravity

At the beginning of creation, when Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden, before partaking of the forbidden fruit, they had integrity in all of these relationships.  Their Imago Dei was pure, but not fully developed.  God cannot sin, but Adam and Eve were able to choose to sin.  Adam and Eve had been given a probationary command.  They chose to disobey.  Had they resisted the temptation, perhaps the fullness of Imago Dei would have been eventually developed into a sinless humanity.

Instead, what happened was that people’s hearts were darkened.  Romans 1:19-32 tells us that we are without excuse for our godlessness and wickedness.  But those who do not seek God, and refuse to honour and thank Him are given over to depravity.  Hoekema quotes from Herman Bavinck (p. 83):

Man through the fall… has not become a devil who, incapable of redemption, can no longer reveal the features of the image of God.  But while he has remained really and substantially man and has still preserved all his human faculties, capacities, and powers, the form, nature, disposition, and direction of all these powers have been so changed that now instead of doing the will of God they fulfill the law of the flesh.

As Christian counselors, how can we deal with this?  First of all, the fact that the client has come to see us shows that he or she is at least seeking some form of help.  For someone to realize and admit their need for help is the first step.  The client may not realize her need for God.  Here is where the Christian counselor must work out his own policy about how much is appropriate to say about that, and when.  This would partly depend on the agency you are working for.  If it is a government agency, it may be inappropriate to discuss spiritual matters.  However, one could always ask his client about his/her spiritual life, and refer him/her to a church for further help.

Some of the results of depravity are: the raping of nature, perverted love, vulnerability to sin, alienation from self, and misunderstanding our true identity in the Lord, and the fact that creativity is often used to promote sin.  Part of redemption is the freeing and enlightening of humanity to change from this deadly course to head in the right direction again.

11  Hope in the Future

Our hope is in the future, when our Imago Dei will become perfected.  The Bible tells us we are destined to become like Jesus (Romans 8:29), and will be presented to God without stain or blemish (Ephesians 5:27).  Hebrews 12:24 says we will join the spirits of righteous people made perfect.  And Revelation 21:3 says there will be no more death or mourning.  All of this perfection won’t happen, though before death or the rapture.  At that time our blinders will be removed, and we will no longer be enslaved to evil.  All types of relationships will be healed.  We will be made right with God.  The barriers between our human relationships will be  gone, and we will relate to one another in righteousness and love.  Our dominion will be exalted and we will reign with Him.  God will be glorified in culture.  And our broken-ness will be healed, and we will be made whole.

Regarding dominion, Hoekema say (p. 94):

Only on the new earth will that mandate be perfectly and sinlessly fulfilled.

One of the promises given to believers is that they shall some day reign with Christ (IITimothy 2:12).  In Revelation 22:5 we are even told that glorified believers will reign forever.  An in the song of redemption in the same book the point is specifically made that this reigning will take place on the earth (Revelation 5:10).

Hoekema is also of the opinion that our bodies will be restored in perfection (p. 218):

Man, then, exists in a state of psychosomatic unity.  So we were created, so we are now, and so we shall be after the resurrection of the body.  For full redemption must include the redemption of the body (Romans 8:23; I Corinthians 15:12-57), since man is not complete without the body.  The glorious future of human beings in Christ includes both the resurrection of the body and a purified, perfected new earth.

12  The Path to Healing

Meanwhile we need to continually strive toward righteousness and holiness and praise and thankfulness.  As we guide our clients in these directions, we will be guiding them on the path to healing.

At the point of conversion, justification and regeneration take place.  But sanctification is the work we need to become involved in from that point on.  It is the process of the restoration of the Imago Dei.

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (II Corinthians 3:18).

It involves the Holy Spirit in us, filling us with joy, and giving us wisdom and power to do God’s will.  But it takes a conscious effort on our part, because holiness is not our natural bent.  It is more natural for us to despair, or take things into our own hands, than to rest in God.  Here is where, as Christian counselors, we must be faithful to remind our clients to pray about things, and to be patient for Gods answers, rather than impulsively trying to solve their problems in ways that are not God’s ways.  On the other hand, some clients are too slow to do anything, and do need to be urged on a little.  We need to remind them that the Holy Spirit will give them the wisdom and power to change as they rely on Him.

Hoekema stresses that (p. 225-6):

Counselors must also remember the fact that man is a whole person.  They should be trained to recognize problems that require the expertise of others besides themselves, and should be willing to refer their counselees, when necessary, to physicians or psychiatrists.  Mental problems should not be thought of as totally distinct from physical problems, because neither type of problem is ever separate from the other.  Since antidepressant drugs can cure certain types of depression, a wise counselor will make use of these means.  Patients who have deep-seated problems, in fact, can most effectively be healed through the combined efforts of a therapeutic team, consisting, perhaps, of a psychologist, a social worker, a physician, and a psychiatrist.

The counselor ought not to think of spiritual and mental health as somehow totally separable.  Since man is a whole person, the spiritual and the mental are aspects of a totality, so that each aspect influences and is influenced by the other.  Howard Clinebell puts it this way:

Spiritual health is an indispensable aspect of mental health.  The two can be separated only on a theoretical basis.  In live human beings, spiritual and mental health are inextricably interwoven.

Minirth and Meier agree:

Man, then, is physical, and yet man is far more than physical.  He also has psychological and spiritual dimensions, and all of these dimensions are intertwined.  Man has a comprehensive nature.  Physical disease can result in psychological symptoms, psychological stress can produce physical disease, and spiritual problems in many cases lie at the core of or are caused by physical and/or emotional conditions.

Sanctification is a lifelong process.  We strive to be the best we can be, yet, knowing that during this life on earth we will never be perfect, we must accept that, and rest In God’s grace and forgiveness.  Otherwise we would become perfectionistic nervous wrecks.  We may need to remind some clients of their justified status before God.

As Hoekema says (p. 46):

The renewal of the image of God is accomplished by faith.  [quoting from Calvin:]

Faith is the motion of man’s response to the Word by which he becomes conformable to God, that is, has Imago Dei.

That is, faith is our response to the Word of God–a response that we can make only through the working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

As we increase our faith and help our clients to increase theirs, we can truly help them on the road to health.



Allender, Dl, & Longman, T., Bold Love, NavPress, Colorado Springs, 1992.

Anderson, Ray Sherman, On Being Human; Essays in theological anthropology, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1982.

Anderson, Robert, Sir, Human Destiny, S. R. Briggs, Toronto, 1886.

Boer, Harry R., An Ember Still Glowing: Humankind as the image of God, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1990.

Bulkley, E., Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology, Harvest House, Eugene, 1994.

Chopp, Rebecca S., Horizons in Feminist Theology: Identity, tradition and norms, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1997.

Custance, Arthur C., Journey Out of Time, Doorway Publications, Brockville, Ont., 1981.

Erickson, Millard, Christian Theology, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1998.

Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard, Basic Christian Doctrines, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1971.

Hoekema, Anthony A., Created in God’s Image, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1986.

Jones, D. Gareth, Our Fragile Brains: a Christian perspective on brain research, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, 1981.

Jones, Stanton L. & Butman, R. E., Psychotherapies: a comprehensive Christian appraisal, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, 1991.

Minirth, Frank B. & Meier, Paul D., Counseling and the Nature of Man, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1982.

Moreland, James Porter, Christian Perspectives on Being Human, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1993.

Niebuhr, Reinhold, The Nature and Destiny of Man: a Christian…, Scribner, New York, 1964.

Niebuhr, Reinhold, The Self and the Dramas of History, Scribner, New York, 1955.

Packer, J.I., Knowing Man, Cornerstone Books Westchester Ill., 1979.

Roberts, David Everett, Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man, 1950.

Tozer, A. W., Man, The Dwelling Place of God, Christian Publications, Harrisburg PA, 1966.



















Norwegian Applecake

A great recipe for apple season; delicious and easy to make.  I got it from a Norwegian friend more than 30 years ago in Prince Rupert.  My Norwegian husband loves to eat it in a bowl dowsed in table cream.  I like it with a little ice cream, or even just a fresh warm crispy-edged slice by itself with coffee or tea.


1 cup less 1 tablespoon sugar

3/4 cup butter or margarine

2 eggs

1  1/4 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking powder


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cream sugar into butter.  Add eggs one at a time.  Stir in sifted flour and baking powder.

Put in square or round baking pan.  Slice apples and insert into the top of the batter.  Sprinkle white sugar and cinnamon on top.

Bake for 40 minutes.

Go for a half hour jog while baking to ward off the extra pounds 🙂

Beaver Wars and Downsizing

We spent the summer downsizing.  Our home by the lake was becoming a stress factor in our lives, sadly.  My husband, who turned 75 this year, had had enough of contending with the beavers.

When we moved there in 2009 we were excited about living with wild creatures that we could watch every day from our back window.  Summer evenings a beaver or two would swim around in the lake, their triangular heads at the surface creating a V shaped ripple.  They swam fast, doing occasional somersaults and smacking their tails on the water in loud reverberation.

We could not understand how some of the neighbours around the lake could be so cruel as to set traps or even shoot at the beavers.  Once I even saw a poor beaver who was missing a paw, which he must have chewed off in order to free himself from a trap.

But after a few years we noticed that the bottom of our lot was becoming badly eroded.  On closer investigation we found that the beavers had dug a large cave under the bottom of our lot, and a hole to come up on our side of the fence.  We quickly filled in the hole before they could come up and chew down our trees.  Our next door neighbour had told us that they came home from holidays once to find that the beavers had taken down their pear tree.  I had visions of a row of beavers sitting on the pear tree log munching on pears.

Then we noticed that the water level had risen because of the beavers damming up the outflow at the end of the lake.  Sid went down there every day for months and cleared away the dams, which the beavers would re-build every night.  Finally after several calls to the city parks administration they started sending a crew to do it.

But this year a whole new problem began.  Early in the year Sid noticed that a big mudslide was being built against the bottom of the chain-link fence, reinforced with sticks stuck through it.  Every day he went down and dismantled it, and even laid down chicken wire hoping that would deter them.  Well, they seemed to think he was helping them reinforce their mud.  Pretty soon the structure was getting higher and higher.  Sid was nearly going out of his mind with frustration!

Still owing money on our house, and both of us retired, we could not imagine borrowing more money in order to build a rock wall down there.  Taking in foreign students had helped us make ends meet for the past nine years, but we had come to a point where we just wanted to simplify our lives.

We began to pray about it and look into real estate matters.  Amazingly everything worked out according to our prayers.  Thanks be to God, here we are in September now, pretty much settled in our new home.

Downsizing has not been easy!  Especially for me.  I had kept collections of school materials, teaching materials, souvenirs and household items accumulated over 64 years!  What a mix of emotions going through it all.  Floods of memories both good and bad.  It has felt cleansing to do that purge, and I still have many boxes of things to go through and eliminate more stuff.

Currently still in the stage of picture-hanging, at least we no longer have stacks of boxes obstructing the main living areas, and I finally feel that I can get back to writing!  Yay!  I even finished reading a novel yesterday.  The bursitis in my right shoulder from heavy lifting is subsiding.  Now to catch up on paying the bills for moving vans and a few pieces of furniture that we bought for our new home.



Vegan Peanut Butter Stirfry

An easy and nutritious meatless meal, with peanut butter for the protein.


  • cooking oil to cover bottom of pan.  I recommend coconut oil or olive oil.
  • assorted vegetables, such as onion, broccoli, carrots, snow peas, celery
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • a teaspoonful of chopped ginger
  • a scoop of peanut butter
  • a tablespoon of Chinese chili in oil or other hot pepper sauce
  • a dash of soya sauce


Chop all the vegetables and stir-fry them on medium high.  Add two tablespoons of water to the pan and cover for three minutes.  Chop the garlic and add that, then the ginger.  Stir in a scoop of peanut butter.  Add some chili sauce, and finally some soya sauce, adjusting the amounts according to taste.

Serve over steamed rice.  Mmm, delicious and nutritious!

Rainy Day Musings on Islam

A rainy Saturday.  The past few days have been unusually warm for April in BC.  Up to 23 degrees Celsius here in Nanaimo.  This week has been more like July.  The days seem to have suddenly lengthened too, with the sun up before 6 am, and not down until 8:30 or so.

We knew the rain was coming for the weekend, so last night my husband barbequed steaks for supper.  Mmm, I can still taste them, along with garlic toast, cream corn, yellow potatoes, and sliced tomatoe.  A special meal for us, but our Japanese student didn’t seem to care.  He seems to like my vegetable and peanut butter stir-fry on rice better.

I look out at the steady rain falling on the dark green lake at the bottom of our lot.  Sid mowed the lawn last night too, knowing he wouldn’t do it today or tomorrow in the rain.  The grass is lush at this time of year.  The flowers on the dogwoods have popped open this week.

This morning my husband and I watched YouTube videos about Islam.  Many Islamic people have been moving to Canada in the last few years, and we want to learn something about them and their beliefs.  For a week Sid had borrowed a Koran.  He found it contained some of the same Old Testament stories as the Bible.  We have learned that Mohammed could not read or write, so he dictated it to his friends and they wrote it down.  Apparently it was all from things that Mohammed had heard or thought.

The Muslim people descend from Ishmael, who was Abraham’s first son, born through Hagar the servant of Sarah.  So, the God they worship, whom they call Allah, is the same God that Abraham worshiped.  Their lists of the attributes of God are similar to the Biblical ones, merciful being a main one.  They even believe in Mary and Jesus, but they do not believe as Christians do, that Jesus is the son of God.

I do not claim to be any expert on these things, but I have known several Muslim people, all of whom were very polite and kind.

Here in Nanaimo quite a few Syrian refugees come to receive help from the Crisis Pregnancy Centre where I work occasionally.  They always express gratitude with smiles, and bring us tasty pastries that they make.  They have many babies and come to us for diapers, formula, baby clothes and more.

When I lived in North Vancouver I knew several Iranian families who came to ESL classes which we gave free of charge in my church.  One man, after hearing the joyful singing in the church, said to me, “I want to become a Christian!  In our religion we have to be sad all the time, mourning for our heroes who died.  I want to change to this happy religion!”  And he did.  He was the first of their group to be baptised in the church.

Another lady who I met through the Schizophrenia Society in the North Shore, told me that she had become a Christian and left her controlling Muslim husband.  I had asked her what she thought of the possibility of Sharia law coming to Canada, and she was adamant that Muslim women do not want that, because it would take away the freedom that they legally have in Canada.

A rainy day is great for learning and musing about such things.  I would love to get some discussion and interaction going with you, if you have anything to say or add!  Please feel free to put your comments in the Comments section below, so others can read them too.


Keys to Mind Health

What comes to your mind (excuse the pun, haha) at the mention of mind health?

There is a lot of information going around these days about ways to strengthen our minds, to counteract stress and  physical and mental breakdown, in all kinds of ways from nutrition to drugs to exercise to meditation to mindfulness.

What constitutes a mind?  Is it your psyche, your brain, your emotions, your thoughts, your conscience, your will, your soul or spirit?

Is your mind the core of who you are?  What if you ‘lose your mind’?

My father died at the age of 94, but five years before he died he suffered a major stroke, causing complete loss of memory and ability to speak.

Before that happened, I thought it would be unbearable to me if one of my parents were ever to lose their mind in some way.  However, surprisingly, although he didn’t even exactly recognise me any more, he was still there!

His essential character, his spirit, his mind, shone out of his sparkling eyes!  It shone right through his inabilities.  What a gift was given to me, to see that his physical and mental limitations didn’t really matter so much after all.  In fact in a way his mind was renewed, as some of his previous mental barriers were now gone.  For example, he now loved to have a hug, something that in our family had never been done much.

Although most of his ability to speak was gone, there were two phrases that he repeated over and over again.  One was “Apple pie!” and the other was “Rejoice and rejoice!”  Yes, his mind/soul/spirit were happy, even as he sat tied into his wheelchair, wheeling around and around in circles because only one arm still worked.

What was the key to his amazing mind health in spite of all odds?

From the time he was a young man, my father fed his mind on God by learning about Him, meditating on Him, reading the Bible, and praying.  He lived in the Spirit of God all the time, conscious of His presence.  He praised God in word and song as he went about his day.  The fruits of the Spirit of God were evident all the time in his life: joy, peace, love, kindness, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

The first chapter of the Bible tells us that God created people in his own image.  I believe this refers to our minds.

Our minds are connected to God and to each other as well.  Jesus said that the most important rule to follow is to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.  And the next most important rule to follow is to love others as we love ourselves (Mark 12:30).

When these connections are open, health flows into our minds.  In John chapter 15 we read Jesus’ description of God’s love flowing into us when we dwell in Him, just like the sap flowing to the branches of a vine.  He says that when we do this we will be filled with His joy to overflowing!  (verse 11)

So lets feed our minds on God and allow His amazing love and power to fill our whole beings.  Our minds were made for that!





Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

My very favourite cookies (especially with chocolate chips)!  They don’t contain any eggs, so if you are vegan just use margarine instead of butter, and perhaps currants instead of chocolate chips.


  • 1 cup margarine
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (or currants, raisins, walnuts or combination)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Cream margarine, adding sugars gradually.  Cream in vanilla.  Meanwhile boil water in the kettle.  Put the baking soda into a half cup measure, and pour boiled water onto it.  It fizzes right up!  Gradually add that to the mixture, continuing to cream it.  Blend in rolled oats, salt, and flour.  Finally add in the chocolate chips or currants or whatever you prefer.  Drop teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes, until just browning around the edges.  Cool 10 minutes before removing from cookie sheet with a metal spatula.

One batch fills 3 cookie sheets, so be sure to share with friends!