American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins, 2019, Flatiron Books

American Dirt is a novel that tells a story about migrants attempting to get to safety across the southern border of the United States. In 2019 when the novel was written, the danger for them was already dire, but rapidly increasing.

The migrants in the book were in danger of their lives from cartels and gangs. Some were Mexican and some from the smaller countries south of Mexico. Some had already lived in the United States for years but recently been expelled ruthlessly. They needed to return to their children in the States. Some regularly crossed the border to work.

In American Dirt, Jeanine Cummins covers many different scenarios of what types of dangers and injustices migrants are faced with. First, in their own countries, then in the country where they hoped to be safe. All these people wanted was to make a life for themselves and their families. May compassion increase.

It’s about the ongoing evil that has always existed in the world. But it’s also about people helping one another at their own risk. Praying for God’s protection, keeping courage and hope for the sake of each other, and giving sacrificially for one another. Defending against the evil when necessary.

Thank you, Jeanine Cummins for this eye-opening, inspirational story.

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