Light on Snow, by Anita Shreve, 2004, Little, Brown and Company (Hachette Book Group USA)

Light on Snow
A baby found in the snow

Light on Snow sheds light on the heartbreaking reasons why a baby could be left abandoned. The baby isn’t the only victim of this crime.

Light on Snow is sobering and thought-provoking. Where has society gone wrong? When did compassion take leave? One might immediately blame the mother. But what about the father? What about the college rules? What about the parents of the mother? The church?

In Light on Snow, Anita Shreve skillfully pulls on a reader’s heartstrings through the characters. Written through the Point of View of a twelve-year-old girl who has lost her own baby sister and their mother in an accident. She falls in love with the baby and wishes her father would agree to keep her. But the story goes deeper, and I won’t spoil it on you.

I found Light on Snow in a little book exchange library. Thank you to whoever left it there to share with me. The book may be eleven years old but sadly, babies have been abandoned throughout history. Thank you, Anita Shreve, for bringing this societal issue to light through this touching story.

Click on the link below to see more reviews on Goodreads.

Something Old and Something New, Pearl Ada Pridham, 2025, Winged Publications

Cover--Something Old and Something New
Something Old and Something New

Something Old and Something New. Life keeps going around and around again. What’s new to a young person now was once new to generations before. Sort of.

Jennifer suddenly learns that she is about to become a great grandmother. Already. At fifty-five. Concern for her young granddaughter fills her heart. How can she reach out to her and help her?

With plans in place to travel through the mountains for a visit with her daughter’s family, she hopes and prays for a connection with her granddaughter.

Knitting gives her a way to pour love from her heart to her granddaughter and coming grandchild. As she knits, she reminisces back to her own teen years.

Her husband also prepares a gift. But will their son-in-law allow the gifts to be kept? He’s been furious at his daughter for getting pregnant. Not wanting to raise another child. Jennifer and her husband hope to intervene and try to soften his heart.

Jennifer’s thoughts keep returning to the sixties when she and her friends were growing up. She’s always had a caring heart and done her best to help people as God gave her opportunity.

I wrote Something Old and Something New as a sequel to Something I Haven’t Told You. It’s the third book in the Love Shines Through series.

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