August 29, 2017
This morning I sat outside on our peaceful front porch, looking in the distance toward my hometown of Vancouver, nestled in the awesome blue mountains of coastal British Columbia. At 71 degrees with a wisp of a breeze, leaning back on my padded wicker rocker with my dear little shitzu on my lap and meditating on Psalm 103, life seemed very good.
This summer I have come through two serious surgeries. The first one last month removed two suspicious areas, and unfortunately they did find cancer so I had to go in for a second surgery to remove the cancerous member of my body. That was one week ago today. I feel I am healing up well, but I still await the lab test results as to whether there is any further cancer lurking in that area of my body.
However this morning I feel well and happy to be alive to enjoy all the blessings that God has so freely bestowed on me. Psalm 103 reminds us to continually praise the Lord and remember the good things he does for us. It includes a list:
- forgiving our sins
- healing our diseases
- ransoming us from death
- surrounding us with love and tender mercies
- filling life with good things
- renewing our youth
- giving righteousness and justice to those who are treated unfairly
The psalm goes on to describe God’s loving caring nature. What an encouraging scripture to start my day!