Book Reviews

Do you, like me, love to hunker down in a comfy chair with a cozy blanket and a good read? Perhaps with a cat or a dog to keep you company; in the winter a wood fire, a hot drink and cookies or in the summer an ice tea?

You can be transported into another world, and if your meditation takes you down a side trail or lulls you into a nap that’s part of the joy of reading.  You are perfectly welcome to do that.  Not like watching a movie, where if you don’t rivet your eyes and ears to the screen you miss crucial bits of the story.

In peaceful quietude you can go through all sorts of adventures and conquer enemies and realize things that never before occurred to you about yourself or about humanity in general.

The most valuable book to me is the Bible.  It is so rich that even a short reading at a time has the potential to fill your mind and soul and strengthen your spirit.  The Bible can be a difficult book to read, especially if you are a non-believer, but the Holy Spirit can open your understanding, as Pastor Rob Daly said yesterday in his sermon (First Baptist Church Nanaimo, January 20, 2019).  You can pray to the Holy Spirit and ask him to help you with that.

Autobiographies, biographies and historical fiction are my favourite genres besides the Bible.  ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’ is a saying I have found to be true.  Pure fiction is often formulaic and predictable but books based on real events have the most evocative appeal.  The turns of events are unexpected.  They can be horrific or amazing and are often hilarious.

I read lots of great books and want to share some of them with you.  Perhaps you will like them too!

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